10 Reasons Online Surveys Win

1. Faster

On an average the time span needed to complete an online survey project is two-thirds shorter than that of traditional research. Since the information is being gathered online, we don’t need to wait for the questionnaires to come back – hence the response time is almost instant. Most of the responses are received within the first three days of the survey becoming live online.

2. Cheaper

Online research also cuts down your research costs substantially. You will save money on field workers and administrating the questionnaires. Researchers also do not have to enter the information into a database. Responses are processed automatically, instantly and the results are accessible at any time.

3. Accurate

Online surveys tend to reduce the margin of error because the participants enter their responses directly into the system. Traditional research methods depend heavily on the field staff to enter all details correctly. We know from experience that whenever a person has to perform a task repeatedly, there is a great chance of human error creeping in.

4. Faster Analysis

The results of the online survey are ready to be analysed at any time. View results in real-time so you can act quickly, create graphs for reporting, export data for further analysis and share your results with anyone.

5. User Friendly

Most of the people who use the Internet prefer to answer surveys online instead of on the telephone. Online surveys allow the participants to pick and choose the time to answer the survey as per their convenience and the time required is usually much shorter. Irrelevant questions can be skipped automatically.

6. Researcher Friendly

One of major benefits of online surveys is that they increase productivity of the researchers by saving time. Data is instantly available. It can easily be transferred into various formats if and when more detailed analysis is needed.

7. Easier to design

An online survey allows you to make an impact on the consumers’ mind and remind them of the benefits your brand provides. The questionnaire can be designed to match your business website with specific backgrounds, brand images, your company logo, fonts, landing page etc.

8. Honest

It has been found that most participants prefer to complete online surveys rather than answer written questionnaires or telephonic interviews. In online surveys they usually provide longer and more detailed answers. Since the survey is on a one-on-one basis with their computers and does not have any external human influences, people are more likely to respond with honest answers to relevant and targeted surveys.

9. Selective

With an online survey you can select specific participants and conduct the survey among those who match your target audience. You can reach a specific target audience with relevant questions that will apply only to them.

10. Flexible

In an online survey the order of questions can be changed. , Irrelevant questions can be skipped, depending on the answer to a previous question. This way, a survey can be customised for each participant as he or she proceeds.

Online surveys are a great option for people and organisations who would like to conduct research – they are less time consuming, they are cheaper, you get the results faster, and you can transfer and use the data in various applications to answer important questions.

About NFX

We’re a consumer insights agency. The interface of digital innovation and human psychology lies at the centre of our process; it helps us bridge the gap between brands and people>